I go inside to get her water, I look out the kitchen window to see her climbing the chain link fence along the back boarder of our yard! My panicked re-appearance in the yard is enough to get her off the fence and scrambling. I go inside to get her food, when I return to the yard carrying the bowl of food she is gone. I panic again. Surly she didn't get herself and the long line over the fence without getting tangled up? Than I spot her in the far corner of the yard pressed against a tree almost invisible. I sit down on the other side of the yard, the food and water between us and I beginning talking sweetly to her. It takes half an hour, she approaches slowly sniffs the food and eats it, drinks some water, and returns to her spot by the tree. She lays down, listens to the birds, watches the cars pass, listens to people working in their gardens. We sit across the yard from one another. Another half hour passes. It is now time to take her to the vet, there is a clean crate in the car and Chris is home to help me shove her in it. I approach her, she wags her tail, I reach down, she wants her ears scratched ... And just like that we are friends.

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