Friday, August 26, 2011

Patty CGC !!!

Some of you know that in April I received a two year old feral dog who I named Patty.
She had no exposure to people, no socialization, never had collar on, never been inside, basically knew less than nothing.

Needless to say having Patty and working with her for the last 4 months has been an unbelievable learning experience. I have learned a lot about creative training, dog behavior and about the amazing resilience of dogs.
Last night Patty passed the AKC CGC test.

She has a long way to go with everything. But I am completely amazed how given half a chance dogs can completely Overcome!

1 comment:

  1. Good work! I have a lot of respect for people who are willing to take on a challenge. And it's already paid off. Who knows where you two will go next.
